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Pete authored the book Crash Proof Wealth to help people understand the secrets of true wealth.

Warren Buffet once said “The first rule to wealth is never lose your principle, the second is; never forget rule number 1.”

That’s what Crash Proof Wealth teaches. How to protect your wealth so you don’t lose it when market crashes happen.

But it’s more than that. It also shares how to protect yourself from taxes and inflation as well.

These are all enemies of wealth that must be defeated if you want to enjoy a successful retirement.



Pete Alexander was diagnosed with Hyaline Membrane Disease at birth. The doctors gave him a 50 percent chance of living. Peter lived in an incubator for the first month of his life. Fortunately, he pulled through; yet he still had struggles. Pete also wore braces on his legs for the first five years of his life. Even though this happened at a young age, he still remembers it vividly and it impacted him for the rest of his life.

“I did survive. I had a personal miracle in my life. I have lived a full life —walking, talking, and living very normally. I am grateful for the miracles I’ve seen in my own life, and the grand opportunity to help others create retirement miracles in their lives.”


Pete has seen so many miracles that it put him on a mission early in life to serve others.

Pete Alexander is the creator of the Retirement Miracle Process. When he walks people through his 5-Step Process, it helps create money miracles in their lives!

  1. Knowing you will never run out of money in retirement.
  2. Having the knowledge you could cover your basic living expenses for this life.
  3. Having more happiness in retirement.
  4. Being able to spend more while taking less risk.
  5. Growing a portion of your wealth without taxes and market crashes.

You might not think these are miracles, but they are to those that experience them in their own lives. When a Grandmother wakes up each day and knows she has retirement income for life, she probably has a lot less stress and more happiness. This is a miracle to her.

Let’s compare the alternative where she might have to go back to work and constantly be worried about money later in life.

If that Grandmother ran out of money or had to move back in with her kids, it would be a travesty. Pete’s process helps individuals and families reduce the likelihood of this happening. And those are Retirement Miracles.

Helping You Beat The
6 Harmful Retirement Risks:

Protection Risk

An untimely death or accident can create additional stress and financial pressure on our closest loved ones if we don’t plan ahead.

Market Risk

A single 20% or 30% market crash can not only hurt your account balances, but it can cause you to run out of money years sooner.

Tax Risk

CPA and Tax Expert Ed Slott says “Taxes are a larger risk than market crashes.” If you have all your retirement income in qualified plans like IRA’s and 401(k)’s that require you to pay taxes when you take the money out, you have a huge tax liability.


Statistics show that long term health care costs can be the largest expense in retirement, what have you done to protect your nest egg and your family from being hammered by this expense?


Will your nest egg provide enough income to give you the retirement you want, for as long as you live? Most people have no idea.


Longevity is the great RISK MULTILPIER. Do you know how long you will live? Hopefully a long prosperous life. Longer life spans multiply the likelihood of each of these risks happening to you.

If you don’t have a plan in place RIGHT NOW to protect against these 6 Retirement Risks, then
request Pete's Retirement Income Miracle Consultation right now.

You’ll see how to survive and thrive in retirement while protecting yourself against each of
these 6 harmful retirement


Pete believes in having the right team. Part of his Retirement Miracle team is his business partner, Matthew Nathan. Matthew also had a major miracle in his own life. For years he struggled with brain seizures. Some days, he would have multiple episodes a day, which led to a very difficult life. Through his own miracle, he later completely recovered.

Today, like Pete, Matthew is completely focused on helping others. He spends his free time on growing mentally and physically, and giving back to those who need help as they approach retirement.

Pete’s mission

“My mission is that family should not be left behind. Mine was left behind financially. So many families are not prepared for the most difficult dilemma in retirement:the de-accumulation period of their assets. I wake up each morning with the burning desire to teach and educate millions of Americans to create more Retirement Income Miracles in their lives.”


I just love spending time with my kids. When we travel, we’d rather travel as a family. We hang out all the time: we go to movies, play games, chill at home, and travel together.

"We’ve created some amazing memories over the years as a family and we plan on creating a ton more."

Giving Back To The Youth

Pete has been serving for the past 50 years. He dedicates countless hours every year to serving others and through ministry work. Having been married for 33 years and counting, Pete and his wife continue to give back by serving his church’s marriage ministry. Going through several personal losses & difficulties in the early 2000s has also inspired Pete to also lead the grief ministry for years.

He recently led a whole ministry for his church with around 500 kids. Outside of work and family, Pete and his wife spend much of their time helping the homeless and those recovering from drug addiction.

“Service has always been a big part of my life. I have found that through a life of service, you create a life of meaning.”